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Could 2020 Get Any Worse?

By News Oct 12, 2020 | 11:30 AM

Ok….so far 2020 has hit us with the COVID-19 pandemic, hurricanes on the East Coast, Wildfires on the West Coast, tornadoes all across the country, flooding, Murder Hornets, we heard of killer squirrels in Colorado and White House correspondents have been terrorized lately by some crazed raccoons! What’s next???  How about POISON CATERPILLARS!

Not making this up.  On top of everything else this year…NOW we have to keep a lookout for poisonous caterpillars.  Looks like, for the moment anyways, these things are in the Southern United States, so we may be safe here in Nebraska, but the Virginia Department Of Forestry has received many reports of the “PUSS CATERPILLAR, one of the most venomous caterpillars in the United States.  VENOMOUS CATERPILLARS?????  Who Knew there were such things.

Anyways PUSS CATERPILLARS have a thick, furry coat that hides their venomous spines.  Their sting is extremely painful and can cause rash, vomiting, swollen glands and fever!  YIKES-O-MATIC!!!  Could there be any MORE weirdness this year????